Tuesday, October 27, 2009

two pies in 2 days

I want to help, I want to help, the little girl's face shines with delight, as she watches her mother turn the oven on baking some dessert for supper tonight
-Adine Cathey, Helping in the Kitchen
Day 1
I was making supper the other night when my youngest daughter proudly stated that she wanted to make the dessert. She knew she wanted to make a pie! I told her to gather the ingredients and off she started. Chocolate animal cookies, pretzels, vanilla flavored Silken soy were the base of the pie. Sprinkles, chocolate chips (two sizes!), and toffee chips were added in. The pie was put in the oven (not having a recipe we didn't know how long). After about 30 minutes we took it out and put it in the refrigerator. The pie ended up being the consistency of a soft set pudding. Ultra-sweet and baked with a six year old with love.

Day 2
The following day, daughter number one wanted to create her own pie. Her pie would be pumpkin pie. Her crust was made with graham crackers and melted butter. A can of pumpkin, spices, eggs were the filling. A random gathering of Halloween sprinkles, mini-M & M's, and chocolate chips were added on the top. We baked it and chilled it. This is her version of pumpkin pie.
Very seldom do we, as parents, allow our kids to be totally free in the kitchen. This only proved to me that my kids are creative and oh so willing to help. It was a lot of fun!

i LOVE this book

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
-Theodore Roosevelt

I usually do not splurge on books, but this one is so worth it! At the bookstore I was drawn to the cover. After opening it, I couldn't put it down. Amanda Blake Soule has such a fantastic way of creating fun, simple projects, in a fun and simple way.
I give it two thumbs up!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

a HANDMADE greeting

Here are a few handmade greeting cards I made.

I made these rubber stamps myself for this card.

These two cards are hand sewn on the paper.

Found driftwood was added to these.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Copy Kat!

Tonight I was making taco's for dinner. I had the meat cooking. Then, I realized I had no taco seasoning in the pantry!! I panicked (for about a minute) then quickly ran to the computer to search for a recipe to make my own. I was very pleased when I came across one at CopyKat Recipes.

Taco Seasoning Mix

1 Tbsp. dehydrated onion
6 tsp. chili powder
5 tsp. paprika
4 1/2 tsp. cumin
3 tsp. onion powder
2 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper

Combine ingredients and store in an airtight container. To prepare, brown 1 lb. of meat. Add 3 Tbsp. of seasoning and approx. 1/2 cup of water. Simmer until water is absorbed. Use in your favorite tacos.

I am happy to report that the seasoning was a hit! the taco's were yummy!

RE-purposed cardboard

I found a new life for unloved corrugated cardboard!
- envelopes (with found driftwood)

-gift boxes

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

cadillac coffee-time

Last summer my family and I were dining at a restaurant in Shipshewana Indiana. It was breakfast time and the coffee was being poured. I commented to the waitress how much I loved the coffee! She then told me that it was Cadillac Coffee, and it could not be found in stores! Bummer! I savored it to the last drop and then we were off. We hit a few stores in the area and I happen to see a bulk coffee section at E & S Sales. Wouldn't ya know..it was Cadillac Coffee! It was $6.29 a lb. I was able to fill a bag for under 5 bucks! They had a HUGE selection of flavors to choose from. I stocked up and off we went. Moral of the story: I love Cadillac Coffee. It doesn't hurt either that it is a Michigan company!

Monday, October 19, 2009

reusable sandwich bag..take 1

reduce, reuse, recycle!

I got inspired at the craft store the other day! It's been known to happen every now and again. I saw this fabric and I instantly loved it. I thought a reusable sandwich/snack bag would be a nice end project. I bought my yard and off I went.
I had a rough idea of what I was going to make. I pretty much went to it, though, and had fun along with way. I bought: the tree fabric, a grey nylon (on sale rack). I had: velcro, thread and machine. That is it!

This is a view of the inside of the bag.

It is my first attempt and I am pretty happy with the way it came out. Once I polish my sewing skills a bit it will be even better!

"I repeat," cried the Lorax,"I speak for the trees!" - The Lorax, Dr.Seuss

i heart Michigan crafts

A not-so-long-ago summer day brought my family to Suttons Bay Michigan, and this shop.

I have no idea what the name was.

All I know is the crafts were colorful..

They were cute..

And, every one of the senses seemed to come alive!

STOP this movie!

I don't like to focus on negative and yucky stuff, but this really needs to be addressed! I just read an article about a new movie that is going to come out this month. It is called...gulp....Antichrist. It is said to be "the most horrific movie ever seen". I won't go into all the details, just read here.
Log on HERE to sign the petition to keep this horrible film from coming to your city.
What are your thoughts about this film?

random acts of KINDNESS week

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see ~Mark Twain

We have all had them done to us. Random acts, maybe by random strangers. I am blessed to have many great friends and neighbors that practice these acts frequently on me and my family. Whether it be a warm batch of cookies that is left at the door or getting the driveway "mysteriously" plowed out on a snowy winters day. EVERY act counts. This week see how many r.a.o.k. you can practice.

-Send someone a hand written note of thanks.
-Make a card at home and send it to a friend for no reason.
-Put some coins in someone else’s parking meter.
-Thank your child's teachers for all the hard work they do.
-Walk your friend’s dog.
-Give a compliment about your waiter / waitress to his / her manager.
-Send someone a small gift anonymously.
-Stop and help someone replace their flat tire.
-Let someone with a heavy load or less items cut in front of you in line at the store.
-Treat a friend to the movies for no reason.
-Give a huge tip to someone when they least expect it.
-Give up your seat for someone, not just an elderly person.
-Write notes of appreciation at least once a week.
-Talk to a homeless person and have a “normal” conversation.
-Pick up some rubbish in the road which would otherwise be lying around.
-Compliment a work colleague for their excellence.
-Give another driver your parking spot.
-Help an elderly neighbor carry the garbage out.
-Tell all your family members how much your appreciate them.
-Leave a copy of an interesting book on a train / bus.
-Buy an inspirational book for a friend.
-Send a thank you note to a person who has helped you in the past.
-Smile a lot.

What goes around is sure to come around.

What random acts of kindess have you had done to you?

Friday, October 16, 2009

my favorite amish pumpkin bars

"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do."
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

I believe there is no better way to create a smile than to bake something yummy! These pumpkin bars are from an Amish cookbook that I got when we lived in Ohio. The book is Amish Home Cooking with Elsa. There are SO many great recipes in this book!

So, here is the recipe...enjoy!

4 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil
2 cups pumpkin
2 cups white sugar
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt
Mix first four ingredients together. Add last four. Bake at 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.
8 ounces cream cheese
1 stick oleo or shortening
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 lb. powdered sugar
Mix and thin with a little milk.
Let bars cool and then frost. Eat and enjoy!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

are ya kidding me?

“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein

This is what I had staring back at me today! A heap of random socks with (or without) its mate. UGH!
I don't want to hear it! I know, some if not most of you would never have a monsterous pile of socks loitering around your home!! (..pat yourselves right now) For some reason though "the pile" tends to form every now and again...and, without prior warning. Today, the pile really got on my nerves and I just had to walk away from it. I know I will have to face it again, tomorrow perhaps. I think I may need a textile-intervention!

the real-beauty challange

If you get simple beauty and nought else, You get about the best thing God invents.

I am sick of it all! Sick of all of those products out there that promise this and that. I will look younger is I use this. I will not have pimples if I use that. I feel like I have tried them all, and all of them have not worked for me. I have been fooled!

I am a lady into natural things. If organic, even better! When I have to go to the doctor I cringe when a prescription is written out! Rarely I will even get it filled. So when it comes to "beauty" I am heading back to nature. I am convinced that herbs, plants, fruits/vegetables and oils can be my answer to clearer, cleaner, softer skin.
So, here is my challenge to myself! I am going to stop using any beauty product that is not natural and simple. I am going to (only) wash my face with Dr. Bronner's peppermint liquid soap. This stuff is all one needs to even remove heavy makeup!
I have started a body detox... a cleansing from the inside. I found this system down in Shipshewana Indiana (Amish-land). A very nice Amish lady directed me to this when I asked about cures for my adult acne. It is a 15-day detox. So far, so GOOD!

So, there it is. My beauty challenge. Actually, it is more of a health make-over! I will report back on my status. Until then, what natural things do you use? What are you just sick and tired of??

super easy handmade rubber stamps

“Some pursue happiness - others create it.”

Here are just some of my the handmade rubber stamps that I have created over the years.

The supplies. You will need a piece of craft foam. They sell it at any craft store for cheap-cheap. Any color will do. A piece of wood. You can buy pre-cut ones or cut one to size yourself. Glue. Elmer's works GREAT! An Exacto knife. This is the key to a really good stamp! The sharper the blade the better!! A cutting board to cut on. Rubber stamp inks. I like Color Box.
Step 1. Think up your design, draw it onto the foam with a pencil and cut out with Exacto knife.Step 2. Glue cut out design and place it onto wood. Let air dry for a good 1/2 hour or so.Step 3. Find a color ink you like and dip the stamp on the ink, being careful not to get the wood inky.Step 4. The fun part. Get creative! Stamp greeting cards, note cards, gift tags, etc.

See! That was super easy and with a little organization the whole process should take about 1 hour or less!

What do you think? Let me know how you do.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

a down-mama day

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.-- Tenneva Jordan

Once in a while I fall into what I call a down-mama day (dmd). I had one just yesterday to be exact! On "one of those days" I begin to think back to when my three children (aged 6,8 and 10)were younger. I have these random thoughts that go something like this: "did I play Barbie enough with daughter #1, when she was into Barbies for that oh, week!?" "Was I a fun-enough-mom.. like the one I see right there, smiling,playing with her kids, at the park?" Or,"Did I read enough? Laugh enough?? Play Thomas the Tank Engine enough???" On, and on, and ON! I get into this crazy funk and jab myself silly with all these irrational thoughts, worries and doubts. ENOUGH I say..ENOUGH!! The human mind is amazing, the mama-mind is completely puzzling!
Well, I am happy-enough to announce that that dmd has officially gone bye-bye! Whew!! I survived. BUT, it is only a matter of time when that next day comes. I have to be armed and ready. I know those days will come again. It's just, on those days I have to say to myself, "Yep. I may not have had enough one-on-one Play-doh time and yes I DID vaccum up that stray Lego, but THAT IS OK! I am a good-enough, loving mama.. and my kids LOVE me!!!"
They really do and THAT is all that matters.

Do you ever have a down-mama day?

post number one

Well, I guess I have to start somewhere! So, here it is...my first post on my new blog.

I had one heck of a time trying to think of a witty, fun, to-the-point, name for this blog. The two words that kept coming to mind were random and simple. I guess they came to mind because well, I am random (on most days) and I like things simple. The "things" part incoporates my crafty side...which also tends to be random and yep, simple. So there you go. A title.

Let the journey begin.