Tuesday, November 17, 2009

still the best

What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters. You can't reread a phone call. ~Liz Carpenter
I just read a story about a new service available over the web that would allow ANYONE to be able to listen to my cell phone calls, read my text messages (if I even wrote a text message) and even find where I am at all times via GPS!! Now, grant it, I NEVER am on my cell phone. I just never use it. I never have sent a text message. Don't even know how. But how many people out there live on their phones and send countless messages.
We live in a world today that seems to be dependent on technology. More so than in times past. Why is it necessary for everyone to know where I am at all times? Why do I "need" to answer my cell phone when I am in the grocery line or in the middle of a conversation? Why do some feel compelled to put others at risk and text while driving? What could possibly be so stinking important??! Pay phones are a thing of the past. Honestly, I am surprised that they are still making and distributing phone books anymore. One can find any address or phone number online.
Now, what about that lost art of a handwritten letter. When was the last time you received a nicely handwritten letter or card in the mail? When was the last time "I" received one? When was the last time I wrote one??? Looking back to previous generations it is so fascinating to look at old handwritten letters. The style of script was so unique. The words so full of meaning. In a nice wooden box in my basement I have a stack of cards, letters and notes that are from when I was young. When my kids get older what do I do? Print out email messages? How odd, how sad.
I was talking to a friend one day and she stated to me that she did not see the importance of stressing neat penmanship in school! She said that everything is typed on the computer, so why bother!! That really struck a chord. It really was a wake up call.
Going back to the "service" mentioned above. I have been thinking about it and came to a conclusion. If you want to tell someone something very personal and are afraid of someone listening. Pull out a nice sheet of paper. Go grab a pen and start writing your thoughts down on paper! Put it in an envelope, seal it, stamp it, and send it. As far as I know it IS illegal to open someone else's mail. While you're at it, send me a letter too!

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