Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain."

My youngest daughter had a sick day yesterday. This usually requires a comfy spot on the couch, hugs from mom, and a remote in close distance!
One of the shows we watched yesterday was Sesame Street. The SS of today is waaaay cooler than it was back in my day! As we were watching, though, I had an "a ha" moment. The theme of the day was "the seasons"- spring, summer, fall, and winter. A clip came on with a girl getting ready to go outside. She was getting all of her rain gear on- jacket, hat, and boots. She was all excited to be heading out in the rain! She was not frightened by the "wetness" of it. She was not "pushed" to go outside (well, at least it didn't appear that way) by her mom. She was happily getting dressed and eagerly anticipating the rain. This is when I started to think. What do my kids want to do on a rain day? What do I want to do when it is raining out?? When I was a young kid I used to frolic in the puddles, stomp through the wet grass, and delight in the feel of cool rain drops on my face. I was not "ewwed" by it, nor did I feel that I would melt! I had fun in it. Today, my kids don't even own rain boots. Nor a rain hat. We do have umbrella's though!
I began to think. When did good-old-fashioned playing in the rain become so," boring"? Why have I not encouraged it more? What am I going to do about it now?! Well, that small girl on Sesame Street re-taught me that playing in the rain is essential fun for kids. It truly is genuine fun. Who cares if the clothes get wet! Who cares if the floor gets muddy!! Kids need to get wet and dirty. Those video games will have to wait. The TV will be shut off. By golly, we have some puddles to dance in!

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