Tuesday, March 23, 2010


A coincidence is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous ~ unknown

Have you ever had one of those days? When random things happen that you just can't find an explanation for. Today, I had one of those days. Early this morning I phoned a friend to ask a favor. Actually, it was a favor that my husband needed her husband to do. No one was home, so I left a message. I went about my day running errands. I was headed into the post office and who should I run into?! Well, it was "the husband" that we needed the favor from! Coincidence??

Things like that seem to happen to me quite frequently. Chances are they probably happen to you as well. Whether it be you are thinking of someone and "suddenly" you run into them somewhere. Or, being at the right place at exactly the right time! It is almost like the pieces to life's puzzle fall into place exactly when needed. It is a special thing when this happens!

There are no coincidences with God!

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