Monday, October 25, 2010

i DO mean to Bragg!

This past summer I found a Bragg book at a rummage sale. I had heard of the Bragg's and their healthy lifestyle. We had their apple cider vinegar in our pantry. But, neither my husband or I really got "into it", not until a couple of weeks ago.

Paul Bragg and his daughter Patricia have been self-proclaimed "health pioneers" for several decades. In a nutshell, they believe that a healthy lifestyle along with a diet full of "live foods" and plenty of water, will not only extend your life, but improve the quality of that life as well.
My husband, usually being the harder one to prod of the two of us, instantly read the book from cover to cover. He gave up his "sometime habit" of drinking soda pop, and filled it instead with drinking (distilled) water. I, too, began to get into the habit of drinking more (distilled) water and upping my intake of green tea, as well. Our diets also include lots of "raw" (not cooked) veggies and plenty of fresh fruit. The kids, too, have being downing more water and slowly getting on the healthier eating band wagon. I will admit, ditching the processed foods is tough! When shopping at the grocery store it is a real challenge to avoid the "middle aisles" and stick to "live" foods. But, going on a couple of weeks now, it is becoming easier.

I pulled out the dehydrator and started to dry tons of apples. Amazingly, the kids all love their condensed sweetness! They gobble them up in no time. I basically wash, peel, and core enough apples to fit on all the shelves of my dehydrator. I have found that golden delicious apples are amazing dried! I cut the apples into rings and in about 24 hours they are ready to eat!
Now that apple season is in full swing it is fun to try all sorts of apple recipes. Apple sauce is an easy treat as well. I wash, core, and slice apples. Put into a saucepan with a touch of water. Cover and let a low heat soften the apples into a yummy sauce. I sprinkle a bit of cinnamon and sugar over it and it is so tasty!

Back to Bragg. I have started TODAY, to try giving up coffee, again! I tried last week, cold turkey, but I forgot to add something else containing mild caffeine, so I got that dreaded "caffeine headache". After talking with my uncle who gave up coffee, he claims that he has much more energy and less aches and pains. So, I am giving it another shot! I have switched to drinking hot tea (which I love), so I will hope for the best and report back on how it is going.

Another part of my new healthy lifestyle is a glass of water with apple cider vinegar mixed in. I use the Bragg apple cider vinegar. I only mix in a tablespoon or so. The taste is bitter, but the health benefits claim to be extraordinary. I usually have a glass a day, but now that cold and flu season are here, I may up it to 2 a day.

So, there you have it. I would love to share my books ( I have recently ordered two other Bragg books) with my friends and family who would like to see what Bragg is all about. Just let me know!

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