Monday, December 6, 2010

happy Mikuláš day!

St. Nicholas or Mikuláš (as we Czech. like to call him) is celebrated today for his feast day, December 6th.

I can still remember vividly how, as a child, we would put out our Christmas stockings by the fireplace on the night of December 5th. And, if we had been good, in the morning we would be rewarded with small trinkets and treats (mainly candy). If we had been a little naughty ( which was a YES!), we would be worried that maybe coal would appear instead, but small treats would still appear, with an occasional orange or other fruit.

Who was this Saint Nicholas you may ask? Well, Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He dedicated his life to serving God. When Nicholas later became a Bishop, his generosity continued, especially with children. He would do his kind deeds in secret so that no-one would know and he did not expect anything in return.

The tradition of Mikuláš has been passed down and continues 'til this day with my own children.
Just this morning, they rushed to there stockings to find what St. Nicholas had left them. It is a tradition that I will keep up and I can only hope that my children will too as they have families of their own.

For more wonderful information on the Origin of Santa, see here.

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