Tuesday, February 1, 2011

alaska bound

To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world. ~John Muir
Have you ever had a dream as a young child? One that you may have even wrote down in a journal, complete with hand-scrawled pictures drawn with pencil? Well, I have and it is only finger-tips away from becoming reality!

You see, when I was younger, for some reason, I had wanted to go to Alaska. Why? I have NO idea! My parents never talked of going there. I have never known anyone who had gone there. I just, for some reason, loved the idea of the vast land, brilliant nature, and plentiful wildlife, that inhibits our great 49th state..or the "last frontier" of Alaska.
Throughout the years I have been reminded time and time again of how my longing to visit this state has not dimmed down by any means. It was not until a couple of years ago that my family and I were on the Mackinac bridge, somewhere between the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan, that the feeling of "wanting to visit Alaska" came rushing back! We spotted a rather large RV, emblazoned with all sorts of hand-written signs all over it. It appeared to be a family from Alaska that was traveling around the country. They even had a website made, just for this family's traveling adventures. I tried looking up that website not too long ago and it no longer is around. Just the sight, though, of that Alaska license plate stirred up my longing-to-visit feeling all over.
Well, this year my "Alaska dream" is becoming a reality! My sister-in-law just so happens to work for Alaska Airlines and we are getting a chance of a lifetime to visit this coming summer. Upon doing research, though, this state is bigger and mightier than I once suspected. The travel guides and vast internet information is completely overwhelming! The possibilities are truly endless as far as the"what's" and "where's" are concerned.
The first order of business was trying to figure out when we are going. Late August was decided. Next, where and what we wanted to do. I asked each family member "what" they would like to see and do once we get there. Things range from: gold mining, dog mushing, kayaking, whale watching. We know we are flying into and out of Anchorage. As far as all the "in betweens", it is completely up in the air! Musts are: Denali and Mt. McKinley (the highest peak in North America), Fairbanks, the North Pole (yes, really!), Palmer (for the Alaska State Fair), Seward (whale watching).
We have also decided that renting a small RV is the route we want to take. After adding up the cost of a rental car, hotel/motels, 3-meals-a-day at restaurants, it was a more economical choice. Neither of us have ever drove a RV before, so this should be interesting! The plan now is to secure reservations for various activities: bus ride through Denali, date to dog mush, etc. Since I am not a real "planner", this task is the hardest part of me. Since we will be in Alaska in "high tourist season" I have read that this is a "must".
So with much to still do, I look forward to a week of "living the dream!" Until then I guess I have to come back down to reality.

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