Tuesday, May 17, 2011

do as I say, do as I do

We have all heard of the phrase, "do as I say, not as I do", right?  In my mind this means, don't imitate my actions, but obey my words. Okay, that is fine and dandy, but the more I think about this, though, as a parent, (a mom), are these words the words that I want to live by? Not so much.

As parents (adults), children watch us and soak everything up like a giant sponge. They take in both, what I say AND what I do. For an example, if I tell my kids to treat others with kindness and yet myself don't show this to others, I feel a mixed message is sent. If I tell my kids all about the dangers of drinking and drugs, yet I partake in such activities how am I setting a correct example? I would be a fake, a phony, and a liar!

Once at the dinner table I corrected my youngest daughter for talking with her mouth full. Not long after that, she caught ME doing the same thing and asked, "why is it alright for you to talk with your mouth full and not me?" Good point daughter, good point!

And, this is what my point is all about. My kids are watching me! Yep. Every action bad and good is picked up by those innocent learning eyes. In no way am I am perfect parent! Indeed, I am far from that. All I can do is try my best, say many prayers, and learn to forgive myself (not always easy!)

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