Ok, I know in the past I have written about the woes of my never-ending acne problems! In my almost 30 years of suffering from some sort of pimple, white head, or deep cyst-like thingamajig, I have tried all the stuff out there...and I do mean ALL!
Benzoyl, this....Salicylic acid, that! Things seemed to work for a bit, but nothing was long lasting. Not long ago after seeing my doctor, she suggested that I go on an acne medicine, via perscription. That was the bottom line! Nope!! I did not want to take that route and so I did my own research/testing.
Well, I am glad to say that I have finally found a "natural" way to tame the zits. Now, I cannot tell you that I never get them anymore, 'cause I still do! I just found a way to make them go away a whole heck of a lot faster. And, if I feel one "coming on", I can fight it off faster.
My secret weapon.....tea tree oil!
I had a bottle of this sitting in my medicine cabinet for a long time. I would dab a bit here of there, but not regularly. Well, after my research I found that tea tree oil can....
• Deep-cleans pores and helps relieve redness
• Multiple uses including skin and household
This leaf-derived essential oil from the arid plains of eastern Australian is an abundant source for maintaining healthy, glowing skin. Its inherent antiseptic qualities make it suitable for everything from skin care, household cleansing to a therapeutic pedicure treatment.
I began to apply it, with a cotton swab, every day. I would wash my face first, then afterwards apply (full strength) to my problem areas. Now, at first my face would get really dry and a bit red where I applied the oil. The smell was strange too. But, after a few times, the dryness and redness went away...my face adapted to it. If you try, start with a small area to see how you react. If you do react, don't give up! Keep at it!
I cannot begin to tell you how much I love this stuff! It's amazing to see it work on my pimples, and have them be gone overnight!
You can find tea tree oil at most health food stores and online.
What else can you use this miracle oil on? Check this out.
I also have a tea tree oil concealer stick that I got at the Body Shop (in malls). It is awesome!! I think it was around $9.