Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pieces of me

I turned 41 last week. Hardly noticed a difference from 40, other than the "1" added to the end. It was a great day spent with my family. A great day indeed!
This morning I had a thought, though. It seems that lately I have been noticing a certain "calmness" in my life. Not a calmness pertaining to my daily events: taxing kids between school and games, stores and friends. For that is in no-way CALM!!  No, I feel it's a calmness that comes from inside of me. A certain calmness that, I can only expect, comes with age.(?)
As I think about it, I can compare this thought to a jigsaw puzzle.

 When I was born, someone dumped a huge box of puzzle pieces on the ground. The size and amount of pieces is overwhelming! Where does one begin? Where to start??

~As my young years start to weave together, I need lots and lots of help finding the right pieces. I need guidance putting the pieces in the right spots; making sure not to "damage or break" the ends. Sure, there will be bends and wear along the way, but with the right help, the pieces will not get lost or harmed too badly.

As I enter my young-adult life, the puzzle is forgotten about, at least for a while. Other things fill my head and my days. I may try to work a piece or two together, every now and again, but only half-hearted and not with a whole heck of a lot of care or concern.

Eventually, though, as my years continue, I "find" my puzzle again. The pieces somehow don't seem too overwhelming now. I actually sit down awhile and take time to "figure it out". I can do it on my own now! There are still a lot of "holes" in the completed piece, but I can see "the picture", though not crystal clear.

Little by little the puzzle is taking shape. A few stray pieces only remain now. The pieces seem to just "flow" together by themselves without much or any thought. I am enjoying this!

Soon, the puzzle is complete. The picture is present. The box is empty. I feel good! Looking at it closely, I can see a whole lifetime in that puzzle. The turned-up edges and chewed ends of my youth. The rough and confusing spots in the middle. And finally, the smoothness of it completeness.

As I sit and stare at the finished puzzle I just sit and smile. That puzzle was truly a journey. And I did it!

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