Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Buzz buzz...

Sorry...it has been a while since I last posted.
I wanted to share with you, though, a new book that I just received in the mail the other day.
It is called Queen Bee Moms and Kingpin Dads by Rosalind Wiseman. I first heard about this book by reading about it in the back of Rosalinds other book, Queen Bees and Wannabes.
I dived in last night, but only got through the Introduction. Yet, I have already learned SO much.
It is not your casual reading material.... you have to take notes (or in my case, underline important areas...and I have already underlined quite a bit!)

Some of the stuff I learned so far:

-In this world, many parents compete ruthlessly through their own children.

-Parents' social hierarchies influence how they guide their own children's lives.

-Your job isn't to be your child's best friend!

-Our culture makes us feel that we have to be and look a certain way so that we belong.

- In many circles, being loyal means backing up your "friends" by saying nothing, laughing, or even joining in when their actions are unethical or cruel.

I am ready and eager to continue on with the book.
Just wanted to share...

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