Friday, October 26, 2012

how big is your spoon?

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
~The Eighth Commandment from the Holy Bible
One of the reasons I started this blog was for all those times that I encounter random things throughout the course of my daily life (and there are A LOT of them!!) Things that kinda fall in place, even with out any help from me. They just kind of "show up" and take notice. Kinda like this morning!
I was on Pintrest, doing a search on recipes and I just randomly stumbled upon an interesting website. What makes this of great interest to me is that it fits just so nicely into what concerns I am currently having in my own life! The message that I received really hit it home and put a label on "those" people in my life.  The website was lesfemmes-thetruth. The article touches upon the subject of the eight commandment in the Bible and "pot stirring" (gossiping).
Just last night a neighbor of mine called to "pot stir" about a certain other neighbor. One that is less-than-adequate in her eyes! I selectively chose NOT to pick the phone up and listen to the "bubbling and boiling" of the pot on the stove! I knew what the "stew" was that was "cooking". I don't need to "taste" or even "look" at it. I could "smell" it! I have just recently learned that I DON'T have to join in the kitchen and hover over the "pot stirrer" anymore! I can let them claim the kitchen, while I choose to go into another room and use my time more wisely, (maybe by praying for the pot stirrer?).

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