Monday, November 5, 2012

... a lesson


Two of my bestest friends and I had the great pleasure of attending a Matthew West concert last Friday. I can honestly say, this was the BEST concert that I have ever been to (and I have been to a LOT of concerts!)

What made it so special to me, other than being with dear Friends, was the important Christian messages that were presented to me. The feeling that all of us under that high school auditorium roof were like-minded enough to be there and feel the presence of Christ's Love!

Of all the highlights of the evening (and there were many!) one that struck a cord was when a young man, named Connor, came onto the stage. Matthew brought him out to "tell his story". Actually, Connor's story is what brought Matthew West to THAT particular city for a concert in the first place! THAT particular young man, Connor, is what inspired Matthew to write the song To Me.

My friend felt a personal tug to Connor's story and song, and wrote about it on her own blog, Notes From a Blessed Life.  I know we ALL have been in Geoffrey and Connor's shoes at one time or another in our own lives! I know I have!! These two young men ARE very special and will indeed change the world.


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